7 Must-Have Qualities Of A Character Counter

If you're a writer or an author, you need to know that helping tools will let you write a better story. One of that tools is a character counter. It's often used in publishing and writing to keep track of character selection and the number of

characters within the text.

However, this tool can be used in other areas where a specific word count is needed. Check out these seven must-have qualities of a character counter so it can help improve your storytelling process.

Why Do You Need a Character Counter?

This tool is used to count the number of characters in a paragraph. This includes a number of characters in dialogue, thoughts, or other aspects.

The use of this tool can make it easier to count characters and word density in your document and see which ones are dominating the entire write-up. It can also be used in business and marketing planning to manage the number of

characters in advertising copies.

What Makes a Good Character Counter?

A good character counter is one of the essential tools for writers. The best character counters keep track of the number of characters and how each specific character writes many words.

There are different elements that make a good character counter tool. Some of the critical elements are discussed below.

Seven Qualities of a Character Counter

Here are seven qualities you'll want to look for when searching for a good character counter:

• Track Characters

The best counters let you count characters, letters, keywords density, mentioned in a specific document or assignment. This allows you to pay attention to the core idea of the subject being discussed rather than keeping an eye out for the

number of characters you type.

• Automation

Generally, most of the character counter tools automatically count the number of characters you type. You should see the number growing as you type.

• Flexibility

A good counter should be flexible enough so that you can use it in any area where you need to know how many characters or words someone has written. It should be easily accessible on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. The user should

not have any difficulty while using it on their devices. The tool should also be flexible to use on any browser.

Be sure that whatever tool you choose will work on the operating system that you're using on your computer or mobile device.

• Customizable

So, you've decided you need a character counter. But how do you find the right one? The most important thing to consider is what your needs are and the type of character count you want to run. For example, if you're counting characters

in a novel, then you have to have a tool that's able to keep track of words as well.

Additionally, there are different types of character counters available on the internet. Each type has its own benefits, so it's up to you to decide which is best for your projects. The next thing to consider is the price. Most tools are free, but

many others are offered at an affordable rate. A good character counter should come with more than a few useful features to benefit the users.

• User-Friendliness

You need a character counter that is easy to work with. There should not be any complex procedures involved that make usability difficult. A tool that is complicated and difficult to use doesn't offer good value. So, it's best to find one that is

user-friendly and efficient.

Fortunately, many online character counter tools are based on user-friendly and straightforward features. People with very little or even no tech knowledge can use them without issues. On the other hand, you might find some tools that

have hard to understand layouts. Those are not the ones that you should be looking at.

The navigation should be simple so that everyone can identify and use features without facing trouble.

• Unlimited Characters

Another important quality of a good character counter tool is the ability to count an unlimited number of characters. Different people belonging to different areas of life have to count the characters of various documents. For instance,

students studying in schools, colleges, and universities need to know how many characters they have written on a specific topic.

Likewise, digital marketers have to write web copies under the specific word or character limits.

Users are likely to have different types of write-ups that they need to check in a character counter tool. That's the reason it's crucial for a good character counter tool to have the ability to count unlimited characters. It should not give an

error if someone tries to check the exact number of characters in a big document.

• Multiple language support

A good character counter should offer support to multiple languages. It is obvious that almost every character counter tool lets you count the characters of a paragraph written in English. However, a quality tool should count the characters

of other languages too. All the numeric digits and characters from the ASCII table should also be countable using the tool.

If a tool provides support for languages other than English, it should be clearly mentioned on its website. If it supports more languages, then it's productive for users from different regions.